We apologise for the difficulties that several people have experienced recently while trying to donate money to Cherry Lodge Cancer Care via our Online Donation Form and JustGiving.
We have now improved the interface between the Cherry Lodge and JustGiving websites, and added new instructions at the top of our Online Donation Form. We hope that everything will now work smoothly, but if you experience any further difficulties, please call Tina on 020 8441 7000 or email tina@cherrylodgecancercare.org.uk.
Alternatively, you may prefer to transfer your money directly into Cherry Lodge Cancer Care’s bank account. To make a direct payment, please email tina@cherrylodgecancercare.org.uk or phone her on 020 8441 7000 to ask for details. If you donate directly, this is better for Cherry Lodge as its avoids JustGiving’s 15% administration fee.