Cherry Lodge Cancer Care fundraisers work hard all the year round to put on an interesting and varied programme of events. Upcoming fundraising events include: A Taste of Flamenco & Tapas at the Landsby on Monday 24th March, an Easter Flower Arranging Workshop led by Iris on Thursday 10th April, and a Sponsored Easter Walk on Sunday 13th April.

Note that Tickets for Summer Soulstice 2025 are already on sale via the Eventbrite website, and more information about the event, to take place on Saturday 21st June, can be found on the relaunched Summer Soulstice website.

On this page of the Cherry Lodge website you can see our events programme presented in two different ways. Use the drop-down menu immediately below this text to select either ‘Agenda’ (an interactive list with dates, which is the default option) or ‘Month’ (an interactive calendar that shows the planned events month by month). Each of these options provides an overview of our scheduled events.

You can find out more detailed information about an event in the following ways. If you are using the Agenda view, click on an event to see a display box and a Read More button to take you to the event page, where you will find full details including a map. If you are using the Monthly Calendar, hover your cursor over an event date to see a display box and then click to go to the event page.

Summer Soulstice 2025 – Earlybird tickets on sale! @ Old Elizabethans' Memorial Playing Felds
Jun 21 @ 11:00 am – 11:00 pm
Summer Soulstice 2025 - Earlybird tickets on sale! @ Old Elizabethans' Memorial Playing Felds | England | United Kingdom

Summer Soulstice, Barnet’s very special family music festival, will return to Old Elizabethans’ Memorial Playing Fields on Saturday 21st June 2025. Held in memory of Andy Weekes and raising money for Cherry Lodge Cancer Care, this hugely popular event is now in its 18th year. Cherry Lodge thanks the Summer Soulstice crew for their ongoing support and is extremely grateful for the massive £520,000+ they have donated over the years to help keep CL’s cancer information and support services completely free of charge.

Tickets for this year’s event went on sale on 8th January 2025 via the Eventbrite website. See details and BUY TICKETS now to take advantage of great Earlybird prices (£37.04 instead of £49.01 for a standard adult ticket) – and give yourself the promise of a fantastic summer’s day out! As previously, there will be three music arenas, top-class live acts, over 30 of the UK’s favourite DJs, food hall and village, stalls and entertainment for children. More details will be added to the CL website over the coming months.