Alex Woods’ Thames Path Walk – in progress

September 9, 2016 – September 10, 2016 all-day
Thames Path
Trewsbury Mead to the Thames Barrier
Sponsors wanted
020 8441 7000

From 3rd to 10th September 2016, Alex Woods is walking the Thames Path to raise money for Cherry Lodge Cancer Care. He will be covering between 20 and 26 miles each day – a total of 184 miles – from the source of the Thames in Gloucestershire to the Thames Barrier. This is an ambitious challenge and is Alex’s way of saying thank you to Cherry Lodge for the support received during the illness of his wife, Anne Marie.

Sponsor him

We are asking you to support Alex as generously as you can, in person, via Cherry Lodge (contact Tina or Nisha) or via Alex’s JustGiving page. Please take a few moments to read Alex’s story:

“In August 2015 our world was turned upside down when my darling wife – Ann-Marie – was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer, aged only 32. To say that this past year has been tough for her, and for all of us, would be a massive understatement. Coming on for a year later, and Ann-Marie has finally finished the gruelling schedule of treatment at the Royal Marsden – five months of chemotherapy and a month of daily radiotherapy – and is back at work. I am so proud of her…

To make it to this stage, we have had to tap into reserves we didn’t even know we had, hold on hard to each other and to the boys, and sometimes rely heavily on family and friends. We were also fortunate enough to be able to call on Cherry Lodge Cancer Care for additional support; it is a truly amazing place that we have been extremely lucky to live only walking distance away from.”

Join him

Alex is inviting family members, friends and anyone else wishing to support Cherry Lodge to join him on any or all of his walk. He is especially keen to gather together a good crowd on the last day, when he will walk from Putney to the Thames Barrier (where he is already looking forward to enjoying a well-earned beer!).

If you would like more information, please get in touch with him via

His planned itinerary is:

Day 1 – Sat 3rd Sept – Source at Trewsbury Mead to Lechlade (23 miles)

Day 2 – Sun 4th Sept – Lechlade to Swinford (26 miles)

Day 3 – Mon 5th Sept – Swinford to Dorchester (22 miles)

Day 4 – Tues 6th Sept – Dorchester to Reading (22 miles)

Day 5 – Weds 7th Sept – Reading to Cookham (24 miles)

Day 6 – Thurs 8th Sept – Cookham to Chertsey (24 miles)

Day 7 – Fri 9th Sept – Chertsey to Putney (23 miles)

Day 8 – Sat 10th Sept – Putney to the Thames Barrier (20 miles)