Please help Cherry Lodge Cancer Care member Telesha Reid in her campaign to increase awareness of breast cancer while raising money for our charity. Cherry Lodge thanks Telesha for her terrific initiative, begun in Breast Cancer Awareness month 2019. By 19th November, sales of Telesha’s jumpers had already raised a much needed £250 for us.
Telesha’s Story
This is my story which I would like to share with you.
I have had some jumpers printed in hope to raise awareness of Breast Cancer and raise money for charity. None of the money from the sale of these jumpers will go in my pocket. I will be donating the difference from the cost of the jumpers to my chosen charity which is Cherry Lodge Cancer Care. I have chosen Cherry Lodge because they are a local, independent, non profit cancer care organisation. They are not government funded and depend fully on donations and voluntary help.
On 16th July 2019 I was diagnosed with a rare form of breast cancer: ductal invasive carcinoma triple negative grade 3, stage 2. Cherry Lodge Cancer Care was the first place that supported me and I’d like to help them support others.
How to Buy your Pink Jumper
If you would like to purchase a jumper they are £21, available in pink, as pink is the colour for breast cancer awareness. Sizes available are small to extra large. They take around 7-10 days to make so please allow that amount of time.
To place your order, please send your payment to:
Sort code: 04-00-04
Account number: 17429467
Use your name and size as a reference.
Send me a screenshot of your payment page so I can place the order. Cheers 😉
Cancer Awarerness Advice from Telesha
If your can’t or don’t want to purchase a jumper that is fine but please be encouraged to check your breasts regularly and educate your brother or sister.
If you can, please encourage your friends and family and most importantly yourself to check your breasts frequently. People assume that breast cancer only happens to women but it happens to men too. If there is anything that doesn’t feel right, please, please, please go to the doctor. Not just for your breast, anywhere in your body. If in doubt, check it out.
The sooner something is treated, the better the recovery rate. Better late than never does not apply here. The sooner the better does.
How to check your breasts: Place your left hand on your hip and reach with your right hand to feel in the left armpit. Repeat on the other side. Check both sides for lumps or thickenings above and below your collarbone. With hands soapy, raise one arm behind your head to spread out the breast tissue to feel it.
Last but not least, thank you so much to my family and friends who have been absolutely amazing 😉 I love you all. 💕💕💖💖💋💋
#BreastCancerAwareness #ImHereToFight #RoarWithMe #ROAR #TeamTilz