Cherry Lodge Cancer Care is currently particularly dependent on the generosity of our third party fundraisers. As a result of the coronavirus epidemic, it has been necessary for us to cancel our entire Spring and Summer fundraising programme. Obviously this has had a significant effect on our predicted income for the year. Cherry Lodge receives no statutory funding and needs money from fundraising and private donations to be able to provide our much needed cancer information and support services completely free of charge.
In these difficult times, Cherry Lodge Cancer Care very much appreciates the ongoing support of BNI Fortune, a local branch of a major international business networking organisation. We are now asking you to support the fundraising initiatives of two BNI members: Renie Price and Matt Shopper.
Renie’s Virtual Collection
Matt’s 100 mile Sponsored Bike Ride
BNI Fortune member Matt Shopper is planning a 100 mile sponsored bike ride to raise money for Cherry Lodge Cancer Care. Matt is a decorator by trade but, having taken on what he thought would be temporary work driving ambulances during the coronavirus epidemic, he has now decided to retrain as a paramedic. Although he is quite a keen cyclist, Matt knows that a 100 mile bike ride will require a big effort! Please sponsor him generously via his JustGiving Cherry Lodge Cycle page.