Cherry Lodge Sponsored Easter Walk

Cherry Lodge Cancer Care’s sponsored Easter Walk took place in Oak Hill Park, Barnet on Sunday 10th April 2022. A lovelier spring day would be difficult to imagine and throughout the morning people joined in the event through this beautiful park. Some ran, some ambled, some strolled with their dogs and children, but all were delighted to get their bright yellow Cherry Lodge goodie bag at the end. Each bag contained a bottle of water, a chocolate egg, an apple and a CL trolley token – a thoughtful gesture of Tina’s appreciation of those who took part. This is the first time that CL has held an event at Oak Hill Park but it won’t be the last as the setting is gorgeous.

The 100 cupcakes baked and sold by Sue and Bobbi went down like hotcakes ( pun intended). By the end of the event there was only a handful left – and these also very soon disappeared. The two tables selling Easter and general merchandise, including goods kindly donated by Hobbycraft, did brisk business. This new seasonal event was clearly a fundraising success, making more than £1,400 to help fund CL’s much needed services for people affected by cancer. Cherry Lodge nurse, Kirsty, joined in the walk and raised more than £300 in sponsorship – thank you very much indeed to everyone who sponsored her. Just as important as the money raised by this event, is the fact that people had a wonderful, healthy, relaxing time and, hopefully, for a few hours, managed to forget about the dire state of the world. There were even several enquiries about volunteering opportunities.